Sounds From Places: BLACK MAGIC

Recently, I've noticed that some people I follow on various sites (tumblr, blogs etc.) are writing about music they've been listening to. While reading them, it's inspired me to write about the stuff I've been listening to. I've actually been meaning to post about some kind of music list thing in a while, but I had too many excuses to not do stuff. 
That's dumb, so I said screw it. 
Here goes. 

I've been listening to a lot of things, trying to expand my horizon, and some of the music I'll list below won't be everyone's cup of tea, but if you're feeling lucky, maybe press play on these songs and, like me, find something you never thought you'd enjoy before.

Also, look at that, the title of the series changed again, whatever, consistency is for losers.

1. The Body - To Carry the Seeds of Death Within Me

Album: I Shall Die Here
Year: 2014
Genre: Doom Metal, Electronic, Ambient 

To Carry the Seeds of Death Within Me (god, that title alone is chilling) is the album opener for The Body's I Shall Die Here. The sound of the drums are loud, larger than life, pounding out a steady, slow rhythm of hollow, reverb-y, evilness. The bass drives out a low, menacing, heavily distorted tone that complements the shrieking vocals brilliantly. Around the middle of the song, it breaks down into an electronic sounding part that's no less sinister sounding than the part before it. It does its job in evoking a sense of anxiety and despair. It's quickly growing into a favorite of mine.


Year: 2012
Genre: Lo-Fi Hip Hop/Trap

This song has one of the meanest sounding bass I've ever heard. That overlying piano melody is brilliant, but what makes this song is that underlying bass riff that just amazing to listen to. All over this album, Ugly Mane's vocals are tuned down and we get this slow, slurred, rap that sounds straight up demonic, great sounds to rob a bank to.  

3. Battles - The Yabba

Album: La Di Da Di
Year: 2015
Genre: Experimental/Art Rock

Battles is a band that holds a special place in my heart. I first listened to them in high school and it was the first band who got me thinking "what the hell is going on? Also I'm strangely kinda into this". They eschew a lot of the traditional rock aesthetics, namely, the complex musical flair that's a package deal with most rock bands. This was a disarming and fresh sound for prog-rock obsessed, Sweet Child O' Mine solo lovin', "Stairway to Heaven is the best song ever" saying, 11th grade me. Songs like Futura, Leyendecker, Ice Cream, got me obsessed with this band with just how weirdly structured it was and I'm still obsessed with it today. The Yabba starts off with a hypnotizing synth & guitar riff. John Stanier's drums sounds awesome, it starts off with this tribal sort of pattern and builds into a slow, drawling riff that sounds huge, a testament to their know how in creating intriguing and deceptively simple passages.

4. Animal Collective - Floridada

Album: Painting With
Year: 2016
Genre: Psychedelic Pop/Experimental

This song sounds almost like Summertime Clothes off AnCo's Merriwether Post Pavillion. This is gibberish to most people. 
It's sunny and happy and relentlessly cheery, the vocals kind of sound like Vampire Weekend, give it a go.
Also don't watch the video if flashing images gives you seizures, just a heads up. 

5. Fear - I Love Livin' in the City

Album: The Record
Year: 1982
Genre: Hardcore Punk

Fear is a hardcore punk band that I just got into. 
The song dives straight with what sounds like someone's drunk uncle at a family dinner. Lyrically it paints a vivid picture of seedy city life, as if the phrase "bad part of town" was distilled into a song.
The guitars sound menacing, the song is fast, it's intensely, and unabashedly hardcore punk.  

6. Naked City - A Shot in the Dark

Album: Naked City
Year: 1989
Genre: Jazz/Surf/Punk

Naked City is a musical project of saxophonist/experimental musician/mad genius John Zorn. Anyone who knows anything about John Zorn knows the dude comes from a free jazz background, so take this as your warning, the Naked City sound (in this song at least, they're the kind of band to switch genres at the flip of a coin) is overall tame in this song, since this is a cover of a Henry Mancini song of the same name (Mancini is the man behind the Pink Panther theme song). But, they manage to tread that line between sticking to the cover (as best they could, I mean, this song is originally maybe twice as slow as the Naked City cover) and their experimental weirdness. Sneaking in a free jazz intro, a sax solo that's less "Saturday Night Live ending song" and more "Albert Ayler", as well as fitting in a few bars of of punk/grindcore drumming.

That's all I feel like writing today, bye.


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Sounds From Places: Mixed Bag